Empowering First Time Homebuyers
Tenfold is committed to multiplying homeownership opportunities for low-moderate income, first-time homebuyers by offering education and financial assistance to make the dream of homeownership more attainable.
Tenfold Homebuyer Education Program
Tenfold offers a York Homebuyers Assistance Program (YHAP) and housing counseling services under contract with the County and City of York.
To access the York eligibility requirements and Pre-Eligible Application, visit: https://wearetenfold.org/get-help/housing/lender-resources
Please note the programs are governed by local, state, and/or federal regulations which requires interested parties to attend the Pre-Purchase Homeownership Education Class. After attending the Homebuyer Class, eligible households purchasing a home in York County outside of the City may receive up to $5,000 of down payment and closing cost assistance and up to $10,000 in the City of York. To register for an upcoming Homebuyer Class, visit: https://wearetenfold.org/event
Tenfold Financial Workshops and Counseling Services
As an added benefit, Tenfold also offers a variety of financial workshops (browse via events link above), along with free one-on-one counseling services to support the individual on their journey to homeownership and financial peace of mind.
To learn more about these programs, contact us:
- In person: Visit our Tenfold office located at 116 N George Street, York PA 17401
- By phone: 717-827-4334
- Via Email: YHAP@WeAreTenfold.org
- Via Fax: 717-814-5987 (please include a cover sheet listing documents and number of pages to be received)
For more information about Tenfold, please visit www.WeAreTenfold.org.
Other Housing Opportunities 
The Housing Education and Counseling Department of CPC offers free services in the following areas:
Renter Counseling
Credit & Budget Counseling
First time Homebuyer’s Workshops
Foreclosure Counseling
If you want help determining how much you can afford for an apartment, how to work with a landlord, or just understanding a lease, check out our Rental Counseling.
If you want help with improving your credit profile, creating and sticking to a budget, check out our Credit and Budget Counseling.
If you want to buy a home for the first time and want to understand the process, check out our Homebuyer Counseling and workshop.
If you are behind on your mortgage payments and are facing foreclosure, check out our Foreclosure Counseling.
Housing Education and Counseling is available at:
Community Progress Council
226 East College Avenue
York, PA 17403
P: 717-846-4600
F: 717-846-7831
E: housing@cpc.org
H: 8:30AM – 5:00PM
The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency is a non-profit organization which serves the people of Pennsylvania by offering affordable housing resources, including loans and rent assistance. PHFA was created by an Executive Order by the PA Legislature in 1972.
For more information about the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency please click HERE.
Adams County Homebuyer Assistance Loans
NEW! Homebuyer Assistance Loans are now available through Adams Economic Alliance!
This program is in partnership with Home in Adams County, an initiative operated under South Central Community Action Programs (SCCAP) and supported by the Adams County Community Foundation.
For more information, or to apply, contact Brady Rodgers, the Alliance’s Director of Business and Community Outreach at brodgers@adamsalliance.org or 717-334-0042, extension 104.