Government Affairs

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Real Property Rights Matters


In May members of RAYAC and the Greater Harrisburg Association of REALTORS meet with Congressman Perry in Washington D.C. to discuss key REALTOR issues. Shown left to right are Bob Fox, Deborah Goodling, Larry Hatter, Shanna Terroso, Kim Moyer, Tamra Peroni, Lauren Gross and Congressman Scott Perry.

RAYAC provides a unified voice for the real estate industry and advocates for real property rights. We build relationships with elected officials and members invest in the Realtors® Political Action Committee to help elect candidates who will listen to our point of view and to support or oppose key issue campaigns.

RAYAC closely monitors local government activity for regulations, trends, or new legislation that could affect the real estate industry. RAYAC’s Political Affairs Committee reports back to the Association and will recommend action if a government proposal is not in the best interest of local real estate.

Current Local, State, & National Legislative Issues

Governor Signs Legislation Permanently Authorizing Remote Online Notarization

Governor Wolf signed House Bill 2370 which makes permanent the temporary authorization for remote online notarization put into place under the Governor’s COVID-19 emergency declaration, into law as Act 97 of 2020.  Click here for more details.