7 hours Real Estate CE
Ever wonder how to handle an unusual situation? This course is designed to provide answers to situations that students might experience, whether on the listing side, or the selling side. Topics include: what should you do when you suspect coercion or fraud, when you are threatened, or when the client’s requests cannot be met. Should a licensee talk to an appraiser? What information could/should the agent share? Does the business need to be combative? Join us for a lively, interactive class about how to best protect yourself, your clients, and remain in compliance with laws, regulations and USPAP. Lunch is included.
Date | Time | Course | Location |
November 13, 2019 | 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM | What Do I Do When? | RAYAC Classroom |
- $80.00
Michelle Bradley
- Payment Policy: Check or credit card number must accompany registration.
- Refund Policy: Cancellations for classroom classes made less than 2 business days prior to the date of the course and “no-shows” will not receive a refund or credit. There are no refunds for online courses.
- Returned Check Policy: If a check is returned by the bank for any reason, there will be a $35.00 charge.
- School FAQ
- School Policies
- Contact Mireya Carlsen at 717-845-3487 or mireya@rayac.com.