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Join Us for the RAYAC Affiliate Trade Show!

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Join us on Wednesday, March 29th from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at the Wyndham Garden in York to network with RAYAC’s Affiliate members and learn all about the services they provide to help you with your business!

All REALTOR members can attend for FREE and lunch will be provided. This event will follow a mandatory CE class.

Practice Safe, Legal Real Estate by Following RELRA

This is the mandatory course to renew your license in 2024. In addition to a brush up on RELRA, you may come away from this shaking your head about how egregious some of the violations that come before the Commission are!  We’ll apply both common sense and RELRA to typical activities which licensees engage in, so you can do business, make money, and stay out of trouble!

Come prepared to play a little trivia as well! In honor of RAYAC turning 100, we will have questions about the last 100 years in real estate. The person with the most correct answers will win a free ticket to the Centennial Gala on Friday, April 14th at the Valencia Ballroom!